Questions to ask your doctor if you are considering LASIK

Common Questions About LASIK Surgery

If you’re considering LASIK surgery, it’s important that you be informed about the procedure and how long it takes to recover. To help, our team at Wellington Eye Care in Wellington, CO, shares some of the most important questions to discuss with our optometrist before making your decision.

Am I a good candidate for LASIK eye surgery? 

Not everyone is a good candidate for vision correction surgery. Some health conditions and eye conditions can be determining factors in qualifying for the procedure. It’s essential that you discuss any concerns you may have with our eye doctor to ensure LASIK is right for you.

What results should I expect and will I need treatment again?

Vision correction surgery can improve eyesight. For some, it can completely correct vision issues, however, for others, the results are beneficial but you may still need to wear glasses or contact lenses. In some cases, retreatment may be needed in the future to correct any changes that may have occurred in your eyes and to provide sharper vision.

Are there any risks or complications I should be concerned about? 

As with any surgery, there are some risks with LASIK surgery. You can usually expect to experience some blurry vision, slight discomfort, light sensitivity, and dry eye symptoms. Our optometrist can address any concerns regarding risks during your consultation.

How long is the recovery process for LASIK surgery? 

Many people experience some blurred vision for at least a few days following surgery. Since this is the case, it’s best to take some time off work and have someone else drive you around during this time. Generally, you can resume most of your normal activities the next day, but the hazy vision might make some tasks difficult. It can take weeks and sometimes months to heal fully.

Schedule Your Appointment Today 

If you would like more information about LASIK eye surgery, our team at Wellington Eye Care in Wellington, CO, can answer any questions you may have. Contact us at (970) 568-7161 for additional details on the procedure and to schedule a consultation. We look forward to helping you achieve clearer vision!

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